
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry X - Mas

Hey Sweeties, 
A little bit late: Merry Christmas!
I hope you all had a great christmas eve & morning and got all your presents you wished for.
I got a great christmas, even there was no snow, and I got everything I wanted, like jukeboxes (I don´t know if it is the right word..?), the pushing dasies seasons, some candles, money, the book Anna Karenina (it is AMAZING! The movie, too!) and a BIG FAT GREEN Scarf. I am totally obsessed with this scarf and wear it all the time. I will definitely shoot some outfits with my new baby!
So, here are some pictures:

Presents, muhahahahahaha.... Oh, hohohohohohohoohohohoho...

And me, ok the whole picture is a little bit read coloured...

Tell me how your christmas was,